Monday, May 16, 2005

War weary

The body is willing but the spirit is weak. I think it is the other way round actually. Right now I am totaly banjaxed, knackered (exceptionally tired). Three programs done today, a meeting with the team here and running messages. Sleep will be a rare occurence tonight. A night of burning picture CD's is ahead of me.

This trip as usual has taught me an awful lot, Slovakia seems to be a country that the Lord teaches me much in. It is somewhere he uses to break my heart with what I see, with the stories I hear.
More than any other country this is one where I know what is going on in the lives of alot of the children we work with. It is hard to imagine the cesspit that is life for them, the question I often ask myself is how often do I want to imagine it? What am I doing about it? I know there are children and young people that live in the most horrible situations everywhere. Do I do enough for the ones on my own doorstep? I see often these children on other peoples doorsteps, but they are harder to see on my own doorstep, many of these things are hidden at home. Many I simply do not want to see, not an easy lesson to learn or be reminded of.
I look at how much I have, and how many people in this world have nothing. They are treated like dirt by many, they are dirt to some, what am I to do? These are the people Jesus came for, ministering to them is where He is at. The challenge to me has to be that I am there with him, not just in the places I travel to but at home. I need to be His hands and feet, rather than sitting doing nothing as He weeps over what these children live in. This is what Slovakia hits me with each time I come.
Heard a story today, of one shelter we shared at last week, a man had turned up at the weekend offering children of 10 and even as young as 8, the equivelant of £2 to go with him. There is such evil everywhere, there is so few standing up against it anywhere. One guy worked at that shelter, he was not always there and what could he do if he was.
These are the stories and worse that I have been hearing daily, the stories I often hear. These are the ones Jesus came for, am I reaching them with His love? Please Lord let me be there, let me be the hands, let me be the feet. Keep my heart broken, give me your eyes to see what you see.

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