Saturday, June 11, 2005

Landimer Day

Rutherglen Landimer day, Last time we were here was two years ago, not much has changed from last time.
The main street was closed of, we were set up on some grass opposite the council buildings. I wondered would many stop and Listen. I need not have worried, four shows, good weather hundreds of balloons and leaflets given out. It was a great day!
Peoples prayers were really answered it was so encouraging, such big crowds stopped to listen. One more show in the morning, in church this time though and then I am off to see the folks up north of Dundee.
This has been one of those day's where I get reminded of why I do this. So many kids, few of them who will ever enter a church, stopped, listening, watching, even asking questions.
New friends made, it seems like this may even become a yearly event, happy days. I hope we can make it a week next year. Right now I am knackered and looking forward to putting my feet up this evening.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Rutherglen Heat Waves

Another day, another scorcher, it has been great so far.
Busy days, carrying the puppets about, setting up, taking down, telling stories and sharing. The kids, like kids everywhere have been great, who says you can not make kids who have all they need laugh. Chatting to them after the shows was a real blessing today, to hear from them how they enjoyed the program. Its so different from many of the countries I work in but the needs are still the same, they still need Jesus.
Encouraging time with the folk working in schools here, so different from what I do but so similar at the same time. Working with kids that will never enter a church to hear the Good News. Working with them each week though, instead of my usual traveling itinerant ministry.

Sunny days in Scotland

Its been a great day, lots of shows, lots to do God at work mightily. Headaches for the team at home that allworked out in the end days do not get any better than this. Right now though I think I am righteously tired. Need sleep need another day litke today, tommmorow. Oh and a Sunny day on Saturday as well. This can not be Scotland its so hot!!!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Missed Ferry's

Ok so I have never done it before but how hard can it be to mistake a 24 hour clock for a 12 hour one. I missed my ferry yesterday from Belfast to Stranraer. It was at 5 PM, it left at I thought it was at 7, I left the house at 5, oop's.

Lesson learned, especially when its 3 AM before you get to bed.

I am in Scotland for a week doing shows in Rutherglen and then up to visit my family in Edzell.
Today was two show's, tommorow is more. I was reminded again today of just how different it is here. Much more care has to be taken about how I do things, so as not to endanger future ministry and not to compromise the message. There is a fear of offending that is part good and part not.

Encouraging hearing the kids at an afterschool club saying how they liked the program. I am missing the rest of the team though, it is so much easier when you have the regular team with you rather than just being on your own.

Anyway rest is needed, I may have takena few days holiday last week but a busy weekend, yesterdays mishaps and I am knackered again.