Rutherglen Landimer day, Last time we were here was two years ago, not much has changed from last time.
The main street was closed of, we were set up on some grass opposite the council buildings. I wondered would many stop and Listen. I need not have worried, four shows, good weather hundreds of balloons and leaflets given out. It was a great day!
Peoples prayers were really answered it was so encouraging, such big crowds stopped to listen. One more show in the morning, in church this time though and then I am off to see the folks up north of Dundee.
This has been one of those day's where I get reminded of why I do this. So many kids, few of them who will ever enter a church, stopped, listening, watching, even asking questions.
New friends made, it seems like this may even become a yearly event, happy days. I hope we can make it a week next year. Right now I am knackered and looking forward to putting my feet up this evening.